
Qualities I admire:

1. Genuineness. I love being around people who are genuine. No pretenses, no agendas, nothing to prove, they just live a real life with real problems, real joys, real emotions and they own them. They don't pass them off on others, do the blame thing... they live. I've said it before: It's so refreshing.

2. Courage. This is one that I'm reminded of as I'm teaching. There are those who have to face life with some real challenges, yet they live life with that challenge. It takes a lot of courage to do that: to live knowing that you are going to work harder than everyone else to achieve the same quality of life. You have to admire that.

3. Kindness. The real kind. The kind that shows up when no one else is looking, and no reward is sought. It's not talked about later for self-flattery. It's just there.

4. Contentment. To be happy with where you are in life, no matter where you are in life. To be satisfied with what you have, and appreciate the blessings bestowed upon you.

5. Generous. The thing I like about this quality is that it is a way of life. It's not just about money. It's about seeing yourself as a vessel through which God's blessings flow. But with responsibility and discernment. I love watching people with the quality. They truly are a cheerful giver.

6. Humor. Really. I think those people who created Veggie Tales have got to be a blast to hang around. Life is good, and really funny at times. Human nature is so silly. God created our bodies to gain from laughter. It's a good thing.

7. Loyalty. This can be a fault. But it is worth it to be a loyal friend. It gets you through the tough times. The hard part is knowing when to be loyal, and when to cut an unhealthy relationship. That one takes a while to learn. At least for me. Being loyal takes trusting in a person's character, I think, so that when hard times do come, you know that the character of your friend will remain the same, and the friendship grows through the hardship. If you can't trust a friend's character, then it might not be wise to be loyal!

8. Dedication. To do what you know is right because it is right, even when you don't feel like it. This is a tough one this day and age, I think. We're pulled in so many directions. We have to narrow down what we are willing to be dedicated to.

9. Passion. I love watching people who have a passion for what they are doing. They put their whole heart into it. It doesn't matter what it is. I think about people who have learned a trade, and have mastered it. The only way to continue with something day in and day out is if you have a passion for it. It's a joy to watch someone do what they do, and do it well.

Qualities I dislike:

1. Fakeness. I really feel sorry for people who feel they have to be something else in order to be accepted. Somewhere along the line they got the message this was how things are supposed to be, so fit the mold. It really limits how effective God can be, I think, when we don't let Him wholely use us as He created us.

2. Pride. It honestly sickens me to my core. The real pride that is so unhealthy comes from a position or perceived position over others. It has to be hard for someone with pride to live with it, because they have to sustain that position. I've been around those that exhibit this quality. It's best to just keep my distance. It's a given that they will fall. I don't want to be around when they do!

3. Right fighting. It's just exhausting being around someone with this quality. They want to argue about insignificant things and they want to win. Winning is the goal, not problem solving. They say you have to pick your fights. I say just don't fight. They honestly don't know what else to do when there's no one to fight with!

4. Ego. I love that Dr. Phil saying, "If you knew how much people think about you, you'd be surprised at how little they do!" This one comes back to pride a bit, I think. A little insecurity, too? Maybe? It's a person giving themselves way more credit than is due. People somehow insert themselves into other's lives, try to take credit for other's successes and position in life. Is it to feel more significant? I don't know. I don't have a full grasp of this one, just know that I don't like it. It does amaze me, though.

5. Envy. The green-eyed monster. It's sad when we can't enjoy other's successes, and just be happy for others because of this quality. Is it truly that we want what others have, or we just don't want others TO have? Who knows. That's a matter of the heart, and is between a person and their Creator. Aren't we all on a different path, though? Headed toward eternity, but on a different path in which Father works His will in our unique life that He created? Why, then, would we be envious of the path of others? It doesn't make sense to me. But I could be over-simplifying again.

OK. I know you've just hung on the edge of your seat wanting to know my thoughts on these matters. Now please excuse me while I begin the trek on my path today.


Anonymous said…
You would have loved the conversation with Gordy, our puppet, and Gertie, his sister, this week. They wanted to start a new ministry ~ the PRIDE PATROL; just letting others know when there was pride in their life. It was hilarious! The kiddoes loved it. BTW, Dad has written the last two. Surprised?

Mama Boo
Not surprised at all! Did I ever tell you about the woman I met in Virginia who knew dad? She looked at me and said, "You're Don Ledbetter's daughter." Right off the bat. She took a class from him in Austin. Said he was one of the most humble men she's ever met. Made me proud. LOL!!!!!

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