A Week of Goodbyes...

Em's got a week left of school, and she's going to be spending it in Kenting. :) The senior trip starts this Saturday and extends to Thursday. I know she's bummed.

Yearbooks will be handed out tomorrow, everyone will start signing autographs and saying nice things. Some will be the usual yearbook signings, some will be sincere, but in the end it will mark then end of an era for Em.

In talking with her, I can see how she's ready to go. This place holds little else for her as she's looking to spread her wings and gain more independence. She's looking forward to starting her new job as a college student, making new friends, catching up with cousins and the like. And driving. She's looking forward to driving. :)

T and I couldn't be prouder. People tell us all the time what a great girl she is. T and I usually look at each other and wonder out loud, "Yeah. How did that happen?" She's the oldest. We learned about parenting with her. We've moved around the planet a bit too much, with Em never really knowing how to be rooted in a place, but instead she is rooted in relationships she's built along the way. She has a different way of seeing the world than T or I do, because of her childhood and all she's seen. The world as she knows it is much more of a personal experience.

While we have definitely made mistakes, Em has a character of kindness, giving and humor that has allowed her to not only survive in this childhood she's been given, but thrive as well.

Did I say T and I are proud?


Louise said…
So I showed B the photo of Em and his response was "NO WAY!!!!!"

Not the same girl we were with in Singapore

Well Done.

Remind her that there are many of us that aren't rooted in place but in relationships. My closest friends are still the four girls I grew up with and went to school with at KCA.
Anonymous said…
i hate driving.

Anonymous said…
Damn right were proud!

Daddy loves you M.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful picture, Em. We're very proud of you and the young lady that you've become. We know that you will do well in the states!! Can't wait!

Mama Boo and Papa Don

P.S. Now we know that Christopher was telling the truth when he said, "Do you know what Daddy said in the garage yesterday?" We've laughed about that one for years!!
T didn't think I would post that. ha! I told him, "Damn right I would!"

Ok, ROFL!!!
Anonymous said…
Stacy Hughes, you better by happy that your Mimi Ledbetter is in Heaven or you would have your mouth washed out with soap. LOL!!!
'Course, I've NEVER said that. Ha!

WHAT??!!!?? You've said that??? I thought I was breaking new ground! ha!

I can outrun Mimi.
Anonymous said…
Oh she has said it Stacy...where do you think Bubs got it from?

Annonymous :)
Leigh Anne said…
Well I'm certainly getting an education about my extended family!!!! HA!! Actually I think this is all a curse from Grandma Powers..... she had some favorite choice words that she liked to use!! (Ask Teri Sue about the time she and I sat on Grandma Powers' homemade crocheted bedspread!)

Back to the important stuff... This picture of Em is GORGEOUS!! Wow! What a great girl and awesome tribute to her by her very proud mom!

Love to all <3
Anonymous said…
No, TIM, Bubs didn't hear it from ME. We KNOW where he heard it. LOL!! Ü Ü Ü
Robert said…
What a great reflection on parenting. Our Lily is only 21 months old (I started this daddy thing really late) but I know that time will come fast. I hope I reflect as favorably when it's her turn.

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