Awesome thoughts on worship...

The following is from Ravi Zacharias' lecture on leadership:

Worship is coexistive with life. The worship service or Sunday morning service is the point to which all of my life converges, and the fountain from which all of my life emerges. If my life is not consistent with my Sunday morning, then I am not worshipping, even if I am at a worship service. If it isn't sufficient to challenge my life, then I have not worshipped. In a sense, we really start to worship when we leave. We go to worship because we are a worshipper of God. We should walk out confirming that which we have stated (during worship) in the way we live.

On sermons:

A sermon should first be an offering to God before it is a presentation to people. If there is anything self serving there, it has to be removed, or it is not a service rendered unto God. Where there are impure motives, or preaching for money, preaching then ceases to be the worship of God

Great stuff.


Anonymous said…
He's one of my favorites. What wisdom! BTW, I loved the comments by San too. He's hilarious, isn't he. Oh, I have a new LR suite. La-Z-Boy and it is soooo comfortable. Tim will love it when you guys come back in two years. The couch has lounges on each end and the chair is a lounge also. LOVE it, Love it, love it!!!


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