Thanksgiving has come and gone, and the weather is getting cooler and more crisp. It's making the evening and/or morning walks with Big Dad much more enjoyable, and we actually walk a bit faster. Usually we walk and talk, but with it being colder our pace has quickened which means a little less talking. Not much, just a little. :)
The kids are in the throws of Christmas activities: concerts or watching friends' concerts, parties, etc. It seems to have started a little early this year. Then, faculty row, on campus, has turned into a festival of lights. Others are enjoying the season and the weather as much as we are.
It's great to be in a community of like-minded people. One of my blogging buddies, Craver, indicated something of a controversy about Christmas trees. I commented that over here, on this side of the world, Christmas is Christmas. It's known, and there's no disputing it. Funny how words can get so twisted in order to push agendas. I guess the best response is to live Christmas. Do Christmas. Make it about Christ's birth and all that it represents. While others are celebrating winter holidays, we celebrate the new life Christ's coming and eventual death on the cross made available to us. While trees and bulbs were not part of the original story, Christ was, and is and always will be. The rest of the world knows it. Sometimes others just need to be reminded. What better way to do that than to live a life that reflects it?
Let's have a joyous Christ-birth season.