For your entertainment

I needed to post something a little more entertaining than our lives these past few weeks. Enjoy the video. It was on an email list I'm a member of. So cute.

Anyway, school is up and running. It's been a hectic week for me, because we're trying some new things, doing a lot of testing, and just getting the schedules of 15 kids grades 3 through 12 to mesh somehow. I'm going into the classroom twice a day with two of my students, and wow, what a difference. I'm pleased as punch. They are doing so well. Testing kindergarteners is always a fun experience. One little girl had been tested already, and her best friend was being tested, and she kept walking by to see how she was doing. So I called her over to me to distract her from her friend, and asked her how she liked kindergarten so far. She put her hands on her hips, surveyed the room, put her blonde hair behind her ear and said, "Yep. I think I'm gonna learn a lot in here." That one spread through campus like wildfire.

San loves 3rd grade and LOVES his teacher. Of course it's Miss Neff. All the boys have had her now. Timothy and Christopher have been telling him how great she is, then they all said they felt sorry for Em because she never had her as a teacher. It was a cute conversaton.

Christopher is on Student Council. He had to give a speech to his class. I happened to be in there with one of my students and didn't know he was running, so it was a nice surprise. He did a good job on his speech! It always amazes me how well he does in front of a crowd.

Timothy is getting ready for the 8th grade "Top Dog" retreat in a few weeks. It's a three day get away with the 8th graders at a campground, and they camp out, get some leadership training since they are the leaders of the elementary/middle school, and do a lot of skits and have water fights. It's a fun time for them. He also joined JV soccer. The high school coaches were out watching him play. We'll see how that goes.

Em is enjoying her classes. Not too hard, but still challenging. She has some breaks in her schedule which is nice her senior year. Plus she's allowed to leave campus, so she's enjoying her senior freedom. :) There's still a lot of homework, mind you, but the freedom balances things out. The senior trip is next month, so she's looking forward to that.

All in all, T and I are getting used to the hectic schedule again: car schedules, school schedules, after school schedules. This year is going to fly by!


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