Awesome ball players...
I got back from my seminar today and got to sit and listen to the events of the day: the softball tournament. They ended up getting 3rd place out of nine schools, but the fun thing was to hear them talk about their home runs and plays. Timothy got four home runs, and Christopher got two even though he was playing on the 7th grade team. Pretty cool. Timothy made a few plays at first base as well, and Christopher caught a few outfield fly balls. The funny part, though, was listening to Christopher talk about running the bases. The way the rules work, there's only one base on an overthrow. So Bubs would run past the base just to get them to throw it, and would get in pickles so they would overthrow. He had a big group of people waiting for him to bat so they could watch him run the bases. ha!
Overall, I think it was a good day!
Overall, I think it was a good day!
Lots and lots!