Spring Break, so far

Big Dad and I have gotten a lot done in the last two days. You know all of the junk drawers and little places that become catch-alls? Well, we are organizing those. All I can say is I had no idea we had so many cords, and we have no idea where they all belong. We're working on it. I know you all are on the edge of your seats wondering how that will all play out.

Em is iguana sitting, Christopher is relocating at a friend's house, who just by coincidence lives in our old apartment, and Timothy is bored out of his goard because all of his friends are in some other country for Spring Break. We've discovered that Nathaniel loves to sing at the top of his lungs when he thinks no one can hear him, which happens to be when he's in his room and the door is shut. The bad part is that he has a solo in the school Spring program, and he's scared to death. He says he can't sing, but he can. Then I remembered back to my time of singing in front of the congregation, and I was only one year older than he is! So...the encouragement goes on.

Writing is still fun. The writing community is so supportive. I'm loving it. There are some REALLY good writers out there, completely untapped.

Christopher's birthday is coming up. He will begin his final tween year. Soon, there will be three teenagers in the house. But it's ok...they're great kids.

OK. More later!


Anonymous said…
Hey, we've been on the same page, kinda. I've been 'decluttering' the house. Now THAT's a BIG project, cause it means throwing things away. Ugh! But you know what? You never miss the things you've given/thrown away. Amazing!
Love you blogs!


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