The Play

Christopher made his thespian debut. He got home after midnight (the cast party/bonfire/games lasted that long) and went off this morning to attend a friend's baptism. I'm ready for him to get home. Here are some pictures from the evening. If you click above, it will take you to the school's website so you can see more from the play. They did a great job and learned a lot in the process. (so did I!!!)



Anonymous said…
So we have the next child star in the making? Sure would have LOVED to be there and see the play in person. Seeing the video just won't be the same. I'm assuming you DID video. Ü Ü Ü Tell him we're very proud of him!!

Around the world and back
No video taping allowed. What was fun though, was watching him adlib. He is a natural at it and it enhanced what was going on in the play without overdoing it. We got a kick out of that. It was also fun to watch some of the things go wrong (closing the curtain at the wrong times, forgetting lines...they said some lines a few times) Lots of fun.

around back atcha.


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