Ode to Dad Hughes
This week held a birthday of someone we know
We called him, and found it cost him much dough
So to make it up to him and his wallet
We decided to write this poem (what word do YOU know that rhymes with wallet?)
Dad Hughes, Reg Hughes, Red Shoes is his name
and Papa and grampa and gramps mean the same
He has many sides of himself, this is true
So here are a few we'll reveal to you
As a young man, Dad Hughes was an adventurer at sea
He traveled around the world for to see
He found him a wife not too far from home
And stayed around, no more to roam
His adventure was far from over this time
(excuse me as I try to rhyme)
He decided to fight fires, rescue cats from trees
settled down to raise a family
One job, two jobs, three jobs, four
It didn't matter to him, for,
Any sacrifice was not too great
His family was first rate
Now that we have our own families
It doesn't take much to see
His sacrifice was not in vain
His kids appreciate this gain:
That knowing their dad and all he's done
and the small victories that have been won
Makes them proud as proud can be
At their father turning 70.
Here's to wishing you 70 more
You're loved more than you know, for sure! :)
Happy Birthday! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you!
Tim, Stacy, Em, Timothy, Christopher and Nathaniel
Don and Bettye