
I've written about mine and T's love for antique clocks. Last year we hand carried SIX of them back to Taiwan. We like them a lot, and now have quite a collection.

Well, now I think it's rubbed off on Timothy. Last year for his birthday, we bought him an antique clock that needed repair. It was a nice clock, and nice looking, but it just didn't work. Timothy took it completely apart, and now has it cleaned and put back together, and it is working wonderfully. It still needs it's new face put on it, but all in all, it's a success. And Timo has a nice new hobby. With all of the antique clocks we have, it sure is good to have someone living in the house who can repair them!


Anonymous said…
Weellll, we'll turn him lose on our, how many???, clocks that don't run. Can't wait!!!

Trey said…
Possesion is 9/10's of the law. If you don't get yours from here in the next month then they are permanently ours!!!!! Actually, I know better, cuz my bro. will just take them next time he is home. That is ok, we will contiune to enjoy them here.

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