The 1st 24 hours....

Well, we've been in the states for 24 hours now. I can't get over the things that we have gotten used to living over seas. A few of the things we've forgotten about living overseas:

1. Listening to the English music in stores.
2. LARGE drinks.
3. Sidewalks free of scooters, cars and dog poop.
4. Everyone obeys traffic laws.
5. Walmart is.....overwhelming. We could only spend an hour there the first time.
6. We now own SpongeBob Monopoly.
8. Lots O' family. Everyone changes, but are the same as well.
9. Nieces and Nephews are wonderful to be around.
10. Sister in laws are great...friends to be around who just know you, and everyone
is real and comfortable. We just pick up where we left off. Brothers are the
same. :)
11. Being in mom and dad's house, looking at pictures and seeing resemblances in my
kids. It's fun knowing there's me in there somewhere.
12. Familiar faces, places, things.

That's it for now. I can't tell you how relaxing it is to stand in line with no one pushing, or drive without worrying about someone cutting me off from a side street! That's day one. I'll keep you posted on future days. :)


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